This page contains lesson plans and online tools to introduce Fifth grade students to environmental education and science topics related to our water resources. To open a lesson plan or activity, click the corresponding image.
Topic: What is a Wetland?
Wetland in a Pan
From "WOW: Wonders of Wetlands," students make a model demonstrating the flood-buffering and filtering effects of wetlands.
Topic: What is a Watershed?
Students build watershed models with paper and hypothesize about rainfall patterns based on the topography of their watershed.
Next Generation Science Standards: Three-Dimensional Learning Unit
Phenomena: Classification of Living Things
S5L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to group organisms using scientific classification procedures.
Scientists classify living things to study Biodiversity
Five Lessons that introduce students to the concepts of why scientists classify living things, how diagrams are organized to sort living things, and how to measure biodiversity in our schoolyard and at the wetlands
Topic: Inherited vs Acquired Characteristics
S5L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information showing that some characteristics of organisms are inherited and other characteristics are acquired.
Topic: Microorganisms
A Rottin' Experiment
Students work in groups to create composters with 2-liter bottles. After discussing the importance of microorganisms in a wetlands environment, students will compare wetland composters and 'control' composters.