Wetland, Classroom, & BioBus Visits
Currently, the BioSTEAM Center Wetlands are not open to the public except for planned community events.
Educators within Jefferson City School System can plan field trip visits to the property, classroom visits, or BioBus visits using the steps outlined below on this page.
All other groups should contact Liz French (lfrench@jeffcityschools.org) for availability.

Decide on a Topic to be covered
Consider which GSE to address, if any
Contact Liz French (lfrench@jeffcityschools.org) for ideas
Schedule a Day & Time to visit
Contact Liz French (lfrench@jeffcityschools.org) to schedule a visit
Any visit involving Liz must be scheduled between 7:30am-1:30pm ​(classroom or field trip)
BioBus visits are occasionally constrained by availability of CDL bus driver-- plan ahead!
Teacher-led field trips to wetlands after 1:30pm must provide their own CDL bus driver
Field trip to Wetlands? Submit Bus Request & Check Permission forms
Submit Bus Request as usual for field trip (note: you will need to provide your own driver between 1:30pm-4:05pm M-F due to conflicts with afternoon routes)
Check that all students attending have STEAM Center permission form
Confirm Program & Review Visit Checklist
Confirm program with Liz French (lfrench@jeffcityschools.org)
Check out the Visit Checklist